Friday, September 6, 2019

Speech Finales

Image result for speech gif cartoon  On Wednesday it was the speech finals. There were three people presenting in each year group. In our class we picked Souen and Liam TP. Souen's speech was about "how toilets can change your life" and Liam's was about "Why the English language is stupid". Out of the year six's Mia G won and she is going to the Eden Albert speech finals against other schools. I hope I can get in next year!     

Room Five Assembly

On Friday Room Five had an assembly. We did a play about stereotypes. In the play my part was I speak two languages and I had to say it in Chinese 我会说两种语言 Wǒ huì shuō liǎng zhǒng yǔyán. I was also part of the soccer part. We also did a dance called individual reality.